Acupuncture Near Me, Milpitas. Can Acupuncture help with Blood Pressure?

In short - Acupuncture can lower blood pressure for at least a month!

Hello dear visitor! Do you live in Bay Area (Milpitas/Fremont/San Jose) and looking for traditional ways to lower or normalize a blood pressure? Look no further!

First, read on about acupuncture benefits in treating blood pressure and then come by or call Zen Acupuncture Clinic of Milpitas today!

Research proves that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for hypertension. Patients with arterial hypertension who underwent acupuncture sessions noted a decrease in blood pressure that lasted for more than a month.

Looking for best Acupuncture "Near Me" in Milpitas. Fremont, San Jose?

Acupuncture affects blood pressure, blood circulation and body temperature. Susan Samuel of the Center for Integrative Medicine has confirmed that ancient Chinese medicine has proven to be effective in treating mild to moderate hypertension, Prevent Disease reports. This means that regular use of acupuncture will help people control their blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The executive director of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia, Dr. Mark Mikozzi, editor of The Fundamentals of Complementary Alternative Medicine, believes that acupuncture does work and has few side effects. This clinical study is the culmination of decades of research in this area. Dr. John Longhurst of the University of California at Irvine (UCI) stated:

"Using a scientific Western approach, we were able to test traditional Chinese medicine."

In the study, 65 hypertensive patients were treated at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Longhurst and colleagues divided the participants into two groups to analyze the effectiveness of leverage points. The researchers used electropuncture, which uses low-intensity electrical stimulation to target different points on the body.

In a group of 33 participants who experienced electroacupuncture at points on the inner sides of the wrists and below the knees, a decrease in blood pressure was observed, in 70% of participants - an average of 6-8 mm Hg. Art. for systolic blood pressure and 4 mm Hg. Art. for diastolic pressure. These changes persisted after 1-1.5 months.

In addition, a significant decrease in levels was observed in the same group:

norepinephrine (41%), which constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure;

renin (67%), which helps control blood pressure;

aldosterone (22%), which controls electrolyte balance.

No change in blood pressure was found in the second group of 32 participants who received electrical stimulation at other points: along the forearm and lower leg.

Although the reductions in blood pressure were relatively small (4-13 mmHg), the researchers noted that they were clinically significant. They say acupuncture can be especially useful for patients over 60 years of age.

“With electroacupuncture, both peak and mean systolic blood pressure levels are reduced over a 24-hour period. This can reduce the risk of stroke, peripheral arterial disease, heart failure and myocardial infarction in hypertensive patients, ”Longhurst said.

Acupuncture by a qualified professional is completely safe and effective. Like most other treatments, acupuncture is not effective for all conditions. Studies have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic pain, as well as acute pain that does not go away even with high doses of analgesics.

Dont hesitate, it dosnt hurt! Visit Zen Acupuncture Clinic in Milpitas today!

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