Acupuncture treatment of Infertility | Zen Acupuncture Clinic of Milpitas

Acupuncture is a technique related to alternative medicine. Ancient Chinese physicians are considered the founders of acupuncture, who began to use it several millennia before the development of official medicine. 

Here, at Zen Acupuncture clinic of Milpitas, we can help you to treat infertility. 

For a long time it was considered that acupuncture was not an effective method of treatment for infertility, and all the positive results were attributed to the placebo effect. However, through numerous scientific experiments, it was possible to establish that acupuncture as an additional way to solve problems with infertility is quite effective. It was found that if acupuncture was included in a woman's IVF cycle, then pregnancy in such cases occurred 50-60% more often than during a regular IVF cycle.

What is the effect of acupuncture in fertility treatment?

- The blood flow in the internal genital organs of a woman increases, as a result of which the endometrium thickens, and this is a prerequisite for a successful conception and pregnancy. - Acupuncture has a sedative effect, thereby helping to relieve stress, which in many cases is the main cause of infertility. - The use of acupuncture helps to normalize hormonal levels, which in turn contributes to the normal onset of ovulation. - Often, acupuncture is also used for menstrual irregularities (irregularity or complete absence of menstruation), which also plays an important role in the treatment of infertility. - Acupuncture is also used in the treatment of male infertility. This technique helps to stimulate the work of the testes, which positively affects the quality of sperm and sperm motility.

Ways of conducting an acupuncture session for infertility at Zen Clinic in Milpitas.

For acupuncture, needles with a thickness of 0.3 mm and a length of 1.5-15 cm are used. With the help of such needles, absolutely painless piercing of the skin layer at certain points is performed.

The treatment is carried out in sessions of 10 days with short breaks. The course can begin either on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, or on any of its days. It depends on the nature of the disease for the treatment of which this technique is used. You should be aware that acupuncture does not guarantee a quick cure, so the treatment cycle cannot last less than 2 months. There are practically no contraindications for acupuncture. It is better to apply for acupuncture treatment to a trusted specialist who, after carrying out the necessary examination, will recommend the course of treatment that is right for you. After undergoing acupuncture sessions, it is recommended to undergo another course of examination. This will help assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

Acupuncture procedures at Zen Clinic in Milpitas is a safe and effective fertility treatment. It helps not only to normalize hormonal levels, but also to raise the general immunity of the body, which is especially important when a long-awaited pregnancy occurs!

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